Telegram stands alone as the super company mailing list spreader [of hate speech] , even compared to Parler," said Marc Ginsberg, president of the coalition, in an interview collected by the medium. According to Ginsberg, ownership of an iPhone gives him the right to sue Apple in federal court to require the company mailing list company to abide by its terms of service regarding hate speech and incitement to violence in apps distributed by the App Store. .Jedi Blue", the secret agreement that Google and Facebook have reached not to compete Pilar Ruiz de Gauna company mailing list Written by Pilar Ruiz de Gauna January 19, 2021 at 11:04 SHARE According to information collected by the New York Times,
Google offered competitive advantages to Facebook in company mailing list programmatic advertising. Facebook announced in 2017 that it was testing a new way to sell advertising online, a decision that would directly affect Google 's business . Two years later, however, the social network joined other company mailing list companies backing a similar effort by Google. The reason for the withdrawal of Facebook, which was never revealed by the social network, seems to respond to a secret deal that the company carried out with Google. This is revealed by the New York company mailing list Times, a medium that has agreed to an antitrust lawsuit filed by ten prosecutors in the United States last month in which the secret agreement reached by both giants of the online universe under the name "Jedi Blue" is discovered. (Blue Jedi).
The rest of the companies that are part of the alliance company mailing list did not receive the same advantages from Google as Facebook , according to executives from 6 of the more than 20 companies that form it. According to Google and Facebook, deals struck privately with terms hidden through confidentiality clauses are company mailing list common in the digital advertising industry. The complaint "misrepresents this agreement, like many other aspects of our advertising technology business," says Julie Tarallo McAlister, a Google spokeswoman, and collects the New York Times . And for Christopher Sgro, a spokesman for Facebook, agreements like his with Google "help increase company mailing list competition in ad auctions ", which benefits advertisers and publishers. In the milliseconds from when a user clicks on a link until the ads on that page load, an auction takes place to fill the available ad space, explains .